Friday, December 19, 2008, 07:28 PM
Posted by Administrator
Posted by Administrator
Started tracking the new Social Code Album at Beta Recording Studio in Edmonton Canada. It's the middle of winter and we're in the middle of a major snowstorm. There is a certain point when centigrade and Fahrenheit are the same temperature, I think it's somewhere around -32 degrees, well it's that cold even colder with the wind chill. Once the amps and guitars were brought to the studio, they had to be left for a few hours to acclimate or the finish would crack on the guitars.
Beta is a great studio, it has a kind of 70's vibe and a great sounding Ward Beck console. The studio belongs to and is run by a great producer, engineer named Bill Kennedy. Bill engineered and mixed amongst other things the Nine Inch Nails classic "Downward Spiral" album.
Bill's a great guy and his studio is full of cool old amps and all kinds of cool vibey things. Tracking is coming out really great as the band are super tight from pre-production and they are all great players. The songs are really cool and the singers voice is really strong. This is going to be fun, stand by for more updates.
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