Twin Atlantic Tracking day 2 
Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 04:56 PM
Posted by Administrator
Tracking at Kingsize in Eagle Rock and the Lost Prophets are in the room next door which is cool as they are friends with the Twin Atlantic guys. Everyone is very amped about all the recent changes we made in preproduction so the vibe is great. I think they are also very happy to be recording live with everyone in the same room playing together as they have never tracked like this before. This is going to be a really fun project.

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Bass how low can you go 
Monday, April 6, 2009, 12:56 PM
Posted by Administrator
First day tracking Twin Atlantic, the band brought in this new bass amp from Fender that sounded great. I have been a huge fan of Ashdown bass amps since the first time I heard one, a classic round tone with the option for a dirty modern growl. That combination coupled with my vintage Orange bass amp always seems to provide room rattling low end. The room the cabinets are in is so small you can barely fit everything into it and the sound is huge, especially when coupled with my 1978 p-bass.

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Cult of Static - Chart position 
Thursday, March 26, 2009, 03:56 AM
Posted by Administrator
The new Static-X CD just entered the Billboard Charts at Number 16 I'm really happy for the band, the management over at Spectacle and everyone that worked with us to help make this happen.
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Twin Atlantic 
Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 03:13 PM
Posted by Administrator
As of right now, my next project are driving in to Los Angeles from Texas. They just played Austin's SXSW festival and we start pre-production tomorrow. This picture is from their showcase show. I'm really psyched to get started on this recording.

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Cult of Static 
Sunday, March 15, 2009, 12:50 PM
Posted by Administrator
The new Static-X Album "Cult of Static" hits the stores in two days and is already available from the i-tunes store. The record came out really great and I loved working with the band for the third time. Static-X are one of the most fun and professional bands I have ever worked with. Every member of the band is exceptionally talented at what they do and we always have a great time hanging out in the studio. The first single Sting-Wray is already at radio and doing great and the new video looks amazing. I couldn't be happier with this record.

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